Automatically increase your revenue with Preno’s new Dynamic Pricing tool: Surge Pricing. With this tool Preno can now increase your rates when demand is high—without you having to lift a finger.
4 Advantages of using Preno’s Dynamic Pricing:
Let’s delve into what Surge Pricing can do for your hotel:
1. Surge Pricing: Increases Your Mid-Week and Weekend Rates
With Preno’s Surge Pricing tool, you can ensure that you are always maximising your revenue during periods of high demand. This Dynamic Pricing feature automatically adjusts your rates based on the current market conditions, allowing you to capitalise on unexpected busy periods.
After all, you never know when you might experience a sudden influx of visitors, so Preno’s Surge Pricing tool will increase your mid-week and weekend rates as soon as it notices you’re getting busy.
2. Surge Pricing: Maximise Revenue During Local Events
Similarly, when demand is high in your area due to events, conferences, or festivals, the Surge Pricing tool enables you to automatically increase your daily rates to capture maximum revenue. With just a few simple steps, you can create pricing rate rules that change according to the occupancy percentage, and let Preno handle the rest.
3. Real-Time Updates: Stay Competitive 24/7
One of the key advantages of Preno’s Dynamic Pricing tool is its ability to update rates in real-time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—even while you sleep. Unlike other tools that offer delayed updates, Preno ensures that you are always offering the best price for your rooms. By constantly reacting to your demand and adjusting rates accordingly, you can stay competitive and attract more guests, ultimately boosting revenue and RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room).
4. Monitoring Your Future Rates 720 days in advance
Once your auto rates rule is live, Preno will automatically monitor your rates up to 720 days ahead to ensure you’re always getting the best rate for your rooms for the present and the future.
It’s impossible to monitor all bookings across that many days manually. That’s why we made sure Preno can now do that for you – with every new booking Preno will check to see if any of your rules are met and adjust the rates accordingly.
By automating your rate adjustment process with Preno’s Dynamic Pricing tools, you can save valuable time that would otherwise be spent manually reviewing and updating daily rates. Moreover, you can optimise your revenue by capitalising on high-demand periods and attracting last-minute bookings.
Last Minute Pricing (Coming Soon): Attract Last-Minute Bookings
A room without a guest, is money left on the table. To fill up your rooms during low-occupancy periods, Preno’s upcoming Last-Minute Pricing tool will automatically decrease your daily rates. This ensures that you are attracting last-minute bookings and increasing your occupancy rate—thereby making the most out of your rooms available.
Would you like to learn more about Preno’s newest feature? Sign up for our Surge Pricing demo.